Saturday, December 31, 2011

Open! Open! Open!

...and Open! Open! Open! Open! Open! Open! Open! (That's 10!)

Praise God for the warmer days this week! We've had 40 degree swings in the temperature (low 40s at night, low 80s during the day). That has helped stir the energy flow of plant. Buds I thought last week would surely be lost are opening...and I'm cutting.

There are 10 buds on on the bush. Soon to be in a vase.

How can this be, on New Year's Eve?

Ah well. I must get to the annual pruning on the rest of the bush. It's the last one, and it needs its winter rest.

Be safe tonight. Tomorrow is the Lord's Day.

Enjoy...just don't end up like Ted Hanover (from Holiday Inn, 1942, one of my favorite movies!)

The weather on Monday should be great for the Rose Bowl Parade. We had massive snows in the mountains last week, so the views should be spectacular.

Someaday I'll have to take the youngin's and camp out on the Colorado Boulevard again! Now they allow small hibachi's and grills for heat...something they didn't do 22 years ago! Back then 50s felt temperate to this midwest transplant. Now I wear a coat! LOL I guess that official makes me a Californian.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Got Milk? The Board of Unnecessary


Have you seen the recent Got Milk commercial? It's called The Board of Unnecessary. A rich corporate owner/Chairman of the Board is seeking ideas from his Board members (all appearing to be old unnecessary men) on what to do with his money.

Most of the ideas are quite humorous - turning the internet into a book (rejected by because it was too practical), and continuing to (literally) burn his money (dismissed as too easy).

If money were no object, what would you do?

The third suggestion, by unnamed old man in a suit, is to "make milk out of something other than cows, like beans... or nuts." (An obvious slam on soymilk and almond milk.) An obivously unhealthy man breathing with a respiratory treatment protests in a murmur, "But milk comes from cows!"

"That's the idea..." he replies.

The Chairman's eyes light up. Presto! The Board has discovered the perfect cause to waste bushels of money on!

No, I'm sorry, milk alternatives are quite necessary.

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) between 30 and 50 million Americans are lactose intolerant, and it's estimated 90% of Asian-Americans and 75% of Native- and African-Americans suffer from the condition.(1)  And around 7.3 million adults in the U.S. are vegetarian or vegans.(2)  Combined, that's up to 57.3 million people who shouldn't, can't, or won't drink milk. Many of those poeple may choose to drink an alternative milk, like soymilk, almond milk, or rice milk, et al. 

I do

In 2011 the Dairy-Alternate industry has estimated to have done $1.33 billion in retail sales.(3)  

With a wave of the Calfornia Milk Processors Board's hand, millions of people buying non-dairy milk, and the industry, are reduced to "unnecessary!" This statement is insulting at worst, half-baked at best.

Sorry, gentlemen. You missed the mark on this one. Maybe you should burn money by researching the impact of cow flatulence on the atmosphere!

Monday, December 12, 2011

How to Care for Roses: Annual Pruning - What to Look For

Let's go over the details of to prune your roses. (Click on any photo to expand to full size)

We are starting with this: a mass of healthy stock, dead stock, some roses, some dead heads, green leaves, dead leaves still on the plant, and some dead wood. The goal is to thin this out, removing all dead plantlife and even some of the living plant. It's time for the plant to rest so it can grow well next year.

Below are some things to look for. See the change in the texture and color of the stem? See the funny light spot? See the dark thin branch above my finger?

The thin branch is dead. The funny discolored bark is dead. And the death is creeping DOWN the plant, into the healthy, smooth bark (that is close to the roots). We're going to cut all of that off.

Yes, there is a green branch, obviously living, coming from the dying section. We're going to cut off, TOO. It's growing out of a dying section. Leaving it will only allow the death to creep more, killing more of the healthy stock.

(My right index finger is pointing at a potential new growth. We'll talk about that below.)

Roses die from the branches down, not the roots up. Keep that in mind when examining your plant.

Here are more examples of deadwood on roses:

When your eye becomes accustomed to what you looking for, you'll see it even easier. It will seemingly jump out at you!

Look at these...there it is...right in the middle. You can see how the plant has died on one side of the branch between the two thinner branches. That's the almost black coloring.

And down low, again in the middle. An example of creeping death (after a cutting) headed to the root:

Here's another example of plant death in the middle of the plant. This is also the sample plant we'll be pruning in this series. (The dark grey shape is part of the watering system.)

Creeping death can show up on a rose plant in a few ways. If there a tear in the plant (like a rose was broken or torn off), or damage to the branch, disease will likely enter. If you cut above the optimal place (we'll cover that below), the plant will kill the part above the optimal place (that's what you see in the picture directly above).

You can save the plant by trimming off the dead part(s). If you don't, the plant will die as the disease creeps down the plant and reaches the roots. It may take a year or so, but it will happen.

Give it a healthy prunning. It will grow back. Living plants do that!

(This is part of a series of posts on How to Care for Roses. Click on the label "Rose Care" to see all the posts.)

Sheryllyn McClintock

Saturday, December 10, 2011

How to Care for Roses: Annual Pruning - The Goal

I grow roses. A lot of them. About 2 dozen. I put them in when I was pregnant with my first child (external nesting?). I pulled out all the boring and ugly landscaping along my unit, drought tolerant though it may have been.

The neighbors were appreciative. Users of the pool (my unit borders it) always thanked me for making it more delightful to the eye.

I get lots of compliments and questions about rose care. Many think roses are difficult. They are actually pretty easy. You:
  • Prepare the ground and plant;
  • Water;
  • Cut off blooms (keeping them for your table or tossing them), and
  • Annually prune back the plant and prepare the ground, coming full circle.
When you cut your plants correctly (also known as dead heading), it takes about 35 days for new growth to reach blossom stage. In my experience, rose bushes last at least 10 years. Several of mine are pushing 17 years.

As I posted the other day, I'm past due for the annual pruning. Now is the time to buy and plant the bare root roses. I've got a spot or two to fill.

The goal is to go from this (click on any photo to expand it to full size):

to something like this:

You may be asking..."Why, if I have blooms, even in December, do I need to cut back my roses?"

Because they need to rest. God gave everything a time of rest. He gave you one day a week (the Lord's Day) and he gave plants a season. He even gave the ground time off (to lay fallow one year every seven years).  'To everything there is a season...' Eccl 3:1.

Allowing your roses to rest helps them to be strong, healthy, and prevents disease.

Which makes them more productive, and more beautiful.

I've let mine go before, and the results are not good. Weird, thin growth, less blooms, greater leaf diseases.

Wack 'em back each year. They need it.

(This is part of a series of posts on How to Care for Roses. Click on the label "Rose Care" to see all the posts.)

Sheryllyn McClintock

Friday, December 9, 2011

How to Care for Roses: Annual Pruning - Tools & Preparation


First, put on some jeans or other heavy duty pants (you could get dirty and may catch a thorn or two); and a suitable shirt (one that you don't care if it get's caught and torn by a thorn). Some prefer long sleeves, I prefer short. I'm more aware of my arms being near thorns that way (and you can tell by the clothing tears which polos I use for gardening!). I highly suggest you wear your "gardening gear" every time, even if you "are just cutting" for the table. Many a non-gardening shirt has been torn this way (thus joining the 'gardening gear' collection!).

Let's start with tools. Choose which fits your budget. (Click on any photo to expand it to full size.)

There's the Basic Set of Tools:

Heavy Duty Pruner, Hand Held Pruner, Leather Palmed Gloves

Or choose the Advanced Set:

Add Stool, Valarian, Ibuprophen and preferred Adult Libation

To the basic set of a long handled prunner, hand prunner, leather palmed gloves, I've added:
  • A stool (for comfort while getting in close),
  • Valarian Root (an herb that relaxes the back muscles, and they tell me smells like marijuana, take before going to bed)
  • Ibuprophen (good for relaxing muscles and relieving pain)
  • Preferred Adult Beverage (also good for relaxing muscles and relieving pain; ingest only afterwards!)
  • Warm Up Exercises (not shown)
  • Hand Salve/Cuticle Cream (non shown)
I already tweaked my back the other day and it still hurts, so I took Ibu's before I started gardening today. And I did some stretching, to warm up my muscles. You will be bending, squatting, crouching, and lunging, so warm up first!

It's easiest to begin with the large pruners. Let's go!

(This is part of a series of posts on How to Care for Roses. Click on the label "Rose Care" to see all the posts.)

Sheryllyn McClintock

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Will SOMEONE Tell My Roses to STOP GROWING?!?!

Today is December 8th. Yesterday was the 70th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor. We have had frost warnings for two nights, and it has been very cold. VERY cold for So Cal (we get frost warnings maybe every 10 years).

And I'm late cutting back my roses. It's pleasant during the day, probably 68 degrees, and out I go to do the hardest work of being a rosarian.

Guess what I found? Fresh blossoms! Now I have fragrant roses on my table!

Of my 3 roses inside my garden, I have 8 buds (you can see 7 in the photo). Including the roses along the sidewalk, there are probaby a dozen more buds.

THIS IS DECEMBER!!! I should have cut them back by November 30th, I know. Blame the weather or whatever, I didn't.

I knew the landscapers had cut back some of the plants. With this unseasonable cold, I thought the rest would be a mess of death.

I certainly did NOT expect fresh blooms!

I blame Dr. Joel Wallach. I do. I really do. It's his fault.

10+ years ago I heard Dead Doctors Don't Lie. I loved it. His information changed my life for the better. His information have kept me and my family in abundant health.

But one thing stuck in my ears...he had a soil additive for gardens. I have thought about for years. Honest.

In August the company I have worked with for 8 years (Financial Destination, Inc. (FDI)) merged with Dr Wallach's company (now FDI-Youngevity). His headquarters are down the road, in San Diego. First time I visited HQ, I bought some things, turned to leave, then remembered...the SOIL ADDITIVE! Of course I took some home!

I applied Blooming Minerals on August 30. And I'm STILL getting incredible growth and blossoms! Blooming Minerals is AMAZING. I highly recommend it if you grow ANYTHING...veggies, flowers, grains, fruit trees, nuts...ANYTHING.

I've got lots of pictures to post and more to tell. That will be in other posts.

Contact me about how to get some for your plants!

Sheryllyn McClintock

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Cincinnati: Yet Another Irony!

I was talking with my dear friend David Biren of Clifton, about tv show Harry's Law. He wasn't familiar with it, and wasn't aware there was a show set in Cincinnati. (David owns D. Raphael, my favorite shop in Cincinati. He has the most unique items! I found the store and met him when I was a freshman in college, and have been friends every since.)

I told him when it was on (with the time change, it was already off), and then he mentioned he didn't have cable.

That made me pause...why would he need cable?

Then I remember: Cincinnati DOES NOT have broadcating NBC affiliate!

Does NBC know? Has anyone with Arbitron figured this out? The town that should be glued into their local show can't watch it because it isn't broadcast!

Irony of Ironies...this is rich!

At some point, the stations played musical chairs. It used to be that WKRC was the ABC affiliate, WCPO was the CBS affiliate, and WLWT was the NBC affiliate.

Now WKRC is CBS, WCPO is ABC and WLWT says they are NBC. Why did they switch? More important, why isn't WLWT broadcasting? Why are they only on cable? Has holding a broadcast license in the public gone away?

Ah...something to dig into when I've got the time. As prince George says "You have to remember that in the microcosm of Cincinnati, Ohio through northern Kentucky..."

Here, here! So very true.

And the older he gets, the more he looks like his dad, Nick. Who will forever be, in my mind, the face of local news. For my children, it will be Chuck Henry. For me, Nick Clooney.

When you go up in a microcosm, it stays with you!

But that's not irony. Just a bunny trail.


Monday, December 5, 2011

Facebook for Dead People

I've been working on my familiy tree in I found out a few days ago that Nola Joyce Asbill, an aunt, died last month.

I looked at the tree and realized I've not fleshed out that section at all. I've focused on those I've grown up with...those with the surname Muhlberger, my maiden name.

Lots of details to fill in, I'm glad it's quiet so I can fill it all in!

I'm glad Aunt Verlon is still living. She's been a wonderful source of details for stories I've missed over the years.

The family stories are fascinating!

Monday, November 28, 2011

In the Lane, Snow is Glistening!

Saw a great Chevy commercial tonight...Scruffy male shopper in a heavy ranch jacket is admiring a Chevy Silverado truck in the showroom. He's approached by white-haired-and-bearded heavy-set salesman.

"It's a beauty, huh? Long lasting. Dependable, too," says the salesman (who needs to hold a mug emblazoned "Nick," because the oversized name tag is not as obvious! Unlike Mercedes' choice of Peter Xifo for the role, this one is the typical ultra white, long haired and long bearded Santa type. Is that a reflection on Chevy?)

"Yeah, I could really use a Silverado," the shoppper offers. "I'm a big hunter."

"Oh, what do you hunt?" ask the salesman.

"Deer," he says as he turns to Nick. He blinks looking at the salesman's iconic image, and corrects himself, ""

"You hunt fish. How does that work, exactly?" asks Nick.

"Put a bunch of camouflage on," he says gesturing to his face and upper body, "and look in the water."

It gets've got see it!

Thanks Chevy, for upholding gun rights and hunting (and fishing), and making the hunter thoughtful.

Two thumbs up!

Sheyrllyn McClintock

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Are You Listening?

Staying on Mercedes, this commercial is similar, from a previous campaign.

In this one, the "reindeer" don't stay together, but are gifts in neighboring driveways as Nick drives away in his coupe.

I dunno...I'd wonder if everyone on my street had a silver Mercedes in the driveway on Dec 25. And what would Santa do for his reindeer team the rest of the night? And next year?

Naw...this year's version with Peter Xifo is well thought out and executed.

Sleigh Bells Ring...

I saw some great commercials this weekend. I love their creativity!

The first was for the Mercedes Winter Event. Apparently, MB has been using this theme idea for years, but this is the first one I've seen.

It opens with Nick turning the head of a generic wooden soldier (the secret switch), which opens the secret door (the toy shelf) to his hidden lair...his "sleigh" garage. Only Santa's is exclusively full of candy (cane) red Mercedes-Benz's cars of various vintages.

I like the hi-res version of this commercial because you can see the cars better. Who can name them off? They are beautiful!

I like the actor playing Nick, too - not the typical ultra-white hair guy with an extra long and full beard. His is still a little dark and neatly trimmed...Santa as a metro-sexual? LOL.

Apparently I found the actor's YouTube page. His name is Peter Xifo. Good job Peter! (Watching his demo reel he played Nick on The Mentalist last year. It was one of those seasonal episodes that was actually watchable! Kudos to The Mentalist & Peter!)

Nick's garage is incredible. Big cathedral paned windows, great woodwork. I really like it when the sports coupe starts and flashes its headlights. "Pick ME!" Nick smiles, eyes twinkling, and opens the driver's door.

As he drives out of the garage, and the first curve of the driveway, he comes up behind 8 silver Mercedes, standing ready to lead the way.

The imagery of Santa in a red sleigh, and the 8 reindeer is great. But where's Rudolph, with a red nose? There's Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen...Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen (thank you Johnny Marks for composing and Burl Ives for singing!). C'mon Mercedes, complete the image...maybe put a police bubble on top of another silver Mercedes?

Silver Mercedes promotions seem to be the big incentive these days. Lots of companies have them and the cars are very obtainable (I've driven a free car since 2005).

When I won my car the company allowed you to chose what you wanted. Seeing gas would be rising, I chose small and economical. The payment from the company pays for the car and a tank of cool is that?

And now the focus is on Silver Mercedes. I rather resist fitting into a standard shapes...a square peg in a round hole kind of gal. A silver car? Not my favorite color. Especially if it is ubiquitous.

But the hot red sports MB coupe? Oh yeah. I'll take that!

Sheryllyn McClintock

Friday, November 25, 2011

Thoughts on Black Friday

Today we played, as we always do. But my teenage daughter had a fascination with Black Friday, and Target (.25  miles from our home) had some interesting things, and guess who showed up for the midnight opening.

She was expecting riots and trampling crowds (the pepper spray at Walmart was a surprise). Everyone was very well behaved, and the there were at least 400 people!

We arrived at 11:30pm, waited for midnight, and wandered over near the door. They were well organized and we wandered around the building to find the end of the line.

It moved quickly. By the time we entered the store, every cart was in use! I've never seen every cart gone!

Electronics was was a zoo, as to be expected. We looked around for things on our list, found very little. We went to the front of the store, and they were using crowd control for the cashier's line.

I spent about $35, and was in bed by 1:05 AM.

After we got home from playing, I went over to Target again. The store was pretty empty (it was about 8:30 PM), and I found EVERYTHING on my list. It was great! No crowds, plenty of carts and staff to answer questions.

Lesson: sure...if Black Friday has something you want, go get it. Just go in off hours. Stores have X number of products to distribute over the weekend. Why be a part of the crush and fight over what you want...or not find it? Go later, shop, and succeed.

As with life, it's all about timing.


Thursday, November 24, 2011

Absolutely Hysterical!

Once in a while, you see a really great commercial.

I'm not one for Black Friday (or Justin Bieber), yet this commercial has me rolling in laughter for longer than the commercial lasted!

Way to go Macy's! You picked a good agency!

No Black Friday for me. Well, maybe at midnight tonight. Tomorrow... It's playtime!

Have a safe weekend!

Friday, November 18, 2011

It's Not Him


I received a call this morning from a Marty, a staff member of Morgan Griffith, Congressman for Virginia.

I had written to Mr. Griffith to see if we might be related.

I can't find any recent information on our grandfather (nothing since 1930 census). He and Mr. Griffith have the same name, and are from the same area (Philly, PA). I was so hoping that a) he would respond and b) we were second cousins.

Well, he responded, at least through Marty. Turns out he is into history, and has done some work on his geneology. But no, it doesn't appear we share the same grandfather.

Mr. Griffith graciously invited me to make contact if I am in DC. Next time I go to Baltimore, I'll try. (and I'll give you a heads up too, Neil!)

Morgan Griffith of Glenolden PA, born 1902 in North Carolina, what happened to you? Where is your family? Is there someplace in I've missed?

Maybe a trip to Philadephia is in order. Well, after Mom stabilizes a bit.

If you've got ideas, do share!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Bishop Robert Schuller and the Crystal Cathedral (It Always Was Roman Catholic)

Today the courts announced that the Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange (California) had won their bid to purchase the Crystal Cathedral brought to fame by Robert Schuller and his show the "Hour of Power."

When the corporation that owns Crystal Cathedral filled for bankruptcy last year, it was $81.5 MILLION in debt. This staggering number blows my mind.

The sale of the property was for $57.5 million. Quite a short sale. The Diocese now has an Orange County cathedral.

Photo from Jae C Hong/AP; Oct 27, 2011

Several members of the congregation were on the grounds last night, complaining that 'their church had been stolen from them,' that 'they had paid for it over 30 years, and now it was gone.'

Sorry loves. It was never yours. Yes, you made your donations, and yes that money was used to purchase the grounds, pay Schuller, support outreaches, pay Schuller, pay staff, and pay Schuller. You may have even paid for a brick or a window and put your name on it. That didn't make it yours.

Let's look at the detail.

The Board of Directors for the Crystal Cathedral Ministries decided Wednesday to move their support from Chapman University's bid ($59 million) for the property to the Archdiocese. Instead of turning it into a medical school, they decided to keep it as a "religious institution." They felt this respected the wishes of those who funded the original project.

In reality, over the weekend, the Diocese bumped their $55.4 million offer to $57.5 million, throwing in a $300,000 annuity for Robert H Schuller and his wife Arvella. Really? Is this the reason the BOD decided to take less money and give it to the Roman Catholics? Yet they cited "religious institution?"

a) Where is there a board of directors in the scriptures? Elders yes, Board of Directors, no. (That's one indication the church is not correctly established.)
b) Those who funded the project were funding (they thought) a PROTESTANT ministry. And now, just to keep it 'religious' it's going to be a Roman Catholic organization. Oh, how the Reformation has been forgotten. Ironically, Schuller originally represented the Reformed Church in America.
c) The present church corporation was founded fairly recently, in 1995.

From the court records:
  • The present congregation has three years to desert the property. That's an amazing generous lease-back provision.
  • The purchase includes a $300,000 annuity (annual payment) to Robert & Arvella Schuller until they die. That's also amazingly generous. A representative of the Diocese said they wanted to provide for Schuller in his senior years. $300K a year is a lot of providing.
  • Robert H Schuller had retired, and turned the church over to his son Robert A Schuller. He had the highest salary, of $196,478 annually. And now daddy is getting a $100K+ bump.
  • The Diocese will not be changing the outside of the building. They don't need to, it already has a statue of Christ! So much for the commandment of no idols or images of God, Christ or the Holy Spirit.
  • The Diocese has to do very little to the inside of the sanctuary. They will add some statues, and an alter (which always contains some of the cross that Christ died on).
  • In three years the congregation will be moved to "a smaller facility that houses a [Roman] Catholic church."

Is anyone else seeing how Roman Catholic Robert Schuller and his church already were? The Diocese is going to take care of him, like a good retired bishop. And the congregation will moved to a Roman Catholic church.

If the congregation didn't know they were Roman Catholics in Protestant clothing, they should now.

Yes, I would have gone with Chapman University and a medical school. If Bob didn't learn how to live within his means, and already provide for his retirment years (I'm sure he did) then he wasn't following what he should have been teaching. Does his estate really need a 300K boost each year?

I've never been a fan of Robert Schuller. I grew up with Hour of Power. We belonged to a good Presbyterian church in Northern KY, yet my mother preferred the modern version of Norman Vincent Peale-isms that Schuller espoused (I can't call his pep talks a sermon). After my father died and mom still didn't attend our church, the pastor asked me where she was. I told him about Schuller, and he honestly responded with "who stood with her and buried her husband? Who will marry her children?" Amen, Bing!

Years later, when I would travel as a Califonian, and I would give my city, I would always hear Schuller's name, statements of how great the show was and be asked what I thought of it all (it is like the only thing in my city was him). My response was always the same..."Ah yes. The famous actor Bob Schuller. One day he may win an Oscar." Never did I meet anyone watch or supported his show. Yet the sputtering responses I would get were a crack up.

Fame, popularity, or financial success doesn't mean you are right. Or pleasing God. Or producing something that honors Him, even if you throw in His name a lot. Nope, I'm not his fan.

In the past year I did meet two members of his congregation, a mid-70s married couple. It was during a sales call, and he brought up that he was an Elder of Bob's. Politics and Religion are two subjects you avoid during sales. An Elder...I know what that means, so we chatted about that. Guess what...Bob (or his non-biblical Board of Directors) had changed the definition of an Elder, too! By scriptural definition, this dear man was not an Elder. Bob, Bob, Bob. How far did your misguidings go? And why are you now being rewarded by the Roman Catholics? Well, you have done a lot to promote their cause.

The good news is the congregants now have the opportunity to find a church where they will hear the gospel. Honor God. Follow what the Bible says. Find a church that sings the Psalms, that avoids musical instruments, that deals with sin, that celebrates the resurrection of Christ every week, not just in the Spring.

God is very specific in the Bible about what is required for worship that pleases Him. He's strict! He tells you exactly what he wants. If there are images of God, move on. If they offer a play or a musical or "modern worship," move on. If your ears are tickled by the service, if the sermon examples are fluff and not scriptures themselves, then keep looking. Conviction and forgiveness are good things.

If you honestly believe that 'being a good person' is enough to get into heaven, understand that it is not. What's required is right there, in the scriptures. Then you can rightfully call yourself a Christian.

If you need some help finding a faithful church, let me know. And read my post from yesterday,
Nov 16, 2011.

Honor God, above all.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

400th Anniversary of the King James Bible

Google, where are you? Why didn't you have a creative Google Doodle today for the King James Bible? 400 year anniversary is a pretty rare thing! Why did this date go unnoticed?

Chris Jackson/AP

No, I'm not a KJ Only fanatic, and I won't tell you that if it was good enough for the Apostle Paul, it's good enough for me. Or even "1611, straight from Heaven." Hey, I prefer the NAS!

And NO, I'm not an Anglican or an Anglo-Saxon or a follower of the Royals.

Okay, so maybe Google didn't mark this day because we don't know the day it was printed. We do know the year. And on this day, the anniversary was marked by the Queen (the head of the Church of England), Prince Phillip, Charles, the Church and about 2000 congregants.

The King James Bible is important. It is often considered the most influential book ever printed in the English language. And I use the KJV for unity, because it's what we use in our church.

The King James Version is important. It was "Authorized" by the Church (of England) to be the official source of reading in Anglican worship. It was the third English translation of the Scriptures. The translation brought into English the Old Testament from Hebrew, and the New Testament from Greek. The King (James) wanted it to reflect the teachings and structure of the Church of England.

It was assembled by 47 translators in 6 committees working in London, Oxford and Cambridge. All were from the Church of England.

Back in the day, King James I brought together a conference to discuss and argue the differences between the Anglicans (Church of England) and the Puritans. Lots of discussions were unresolved. James Reynolds of the Puritans proposed a new translation of the Scriptures, which took seven years and was published in 1611.

The Scots (Presbyterians) were heavily involved in their own works. And, at this same period, the Psalms of David in Metre was produced. God's hymnbook, laid out in English to fit meter and rhyme of common (familiar) tunes, which, when written on a musical staff, were called "bar music." (Nothing to do with pints and taverns, LOL). Several years later they finished the Westminster Confession of Faith.

If you want to understand what it means to be a Protestant, and not to be under a pope (that is an Anglican/Episcopalian, or a Roman Catholic), then buy a copy Westminster Confession of Faith (make sure it's Free Presbyterian Press edition) and learn. Avoid any American editions. They've been changed.

The truth is is eye opening. It will set you free.

Then enjoy anew the dedication page of the KJV.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Harry's Law

I like Harry's Law. I ran into in last summer with reruns.

I've never been a fan of Kathy Bates, yet she's a hoot in this show. It's right up my alley, being set in Cincinnati, my home town. And that's why I watch it, for the intros & outros with commercials, where you see the local shots, otherwise known as filler.

The premise is ridiculous. I know my friend James Vogele, an Cincinnati attorney, would agree. An older female lawyer has a breakdown, leaves her established firm, and opens up an off-the-street office. It's supposed to take place in Over the Rhine, a poor and mostly black, belt-shaped area between Downtown and the University of Cincinnati/Clifton. (If you think of a hill, the University is on the crest, Over the Rhine is where the incline starts, and the city is in the lowlands on the Ohio River. From the riverfront to the University is only a few miles.)

The producers should have done some location shots there, even shot some footage. Instead, the pilot looks like the back lot of the studio (which I'm sure it was). The Rhine doesn't look like the show, and the buildings aren't that clean. It's the 'inner city' and doesn't look pristine.

Someone in Hollywood is either from my fair city, or spent a lot of time there. Over the years I've been very amused by the references to Cincy I've heard in a number of shows. Whether it was a comment about White Castle tiny steamed burgers (now called Sliders) or to the one-day-a-season break we experience because of crazy weather (yea snow days, among other things), they've all been very accurate. And now a show that is set there.

This isn't the first show, of course. We loved WKRP in Cincinnati. Those outside our city may have thought it was funny, but if you were a local the appreciation for jokes was far greater. Only we knew just how spot on those jokes were.

Cincinnati is a funny town with gorgeous architecture and lots of history. I'm glad someone is bringing attention to it.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

All Magic Has Its Price (or The Importance of Integrity)

There's an old saying "There's no such thing as a free lunch."

In the ABC show Once, Rumpelstiltskin says that "all magic has its price."

Yesterday, Dr. Conrad Murray was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter in the death of Michael Jackson.

Personally, I was rather surprised by the decision. I didn't follow the trial, and I saw a few highlights here and there on the news. I knew a defense position held that Michael pushed the fatal dose himself, and I was impressed by the testimonies that patients of Dr. Murray offered on his behalf.

I was disappointed by the crowd's response outside the courthouse. "Involuntary" means it was an accident, like if a pedestrian is hit by a car and dies. The driver did not intend to hurt or kill the victim, but they did. The crowd reminded me of a lynch mob. Nothing is going to bring Jackson back, not even a guilty verdict.

One has to realize that Jackson had his weaknesses and dependencies, and searched for someone that would give him what he wanted. Several turned him down. For $150,000.00 a month, Dr. Murray accepted.

And in one moment, although it played out over a long period, he lost his income, his medical license (and career), and his freedom. How very, very sad. At $150k a month he would have a massive impact on his life. There were personal costs involved, like being up all night (interrupting your natural sleep cycle for a long period is very difficult). And just like that, it's all gone.

"All magic has its price."

Today, the Jerry Sandusky/Joe Paterno/Tim Curley/Gary Schultz/Graham Spanier/Penn State scandal broke. No details yet, just the accusations and the initial response.


Here's a group of men, who have worked closely together to build a legacy for 50 years, ready for retirement and passing the torch. At the end of his race, there are accusations that there has been sexual abuse against children, that's right child molestation, that was known and ignored.

That, in and of itself, is unbelievable. How do you see a crime, especially a crime against a child, and not report it?

The response of the accused was equally unbelievable. What arrogance to see themselves as untouchable and above the law!

Several heads are definitely going to roll. People will be fired, probably tomorrow.

Was excelling at your interest (college football), worth breaking the law? Ignoring crimes against another? College football at Penn State is very lucrative. Millions of dollars are made per game for the school. Was the magic lure of the money worth the cost of their moral compass?

If there is something you are doing or considering, count the cost before it's too late. Read the fine print. Money is not evil. The love of it is. Money is like air - life is better with it than without it.

In both of these situations you had careers built on an objective. And then came really big money, and compromise. And when the truth comes out (and it always does) individuals are harmed or killed, careers are destroyed, legacies are shattered and reversed, and the money lure evaporates like a vapor, all in an instant. It's very sad.

Count the cost of what you do before you do it. It's the importance of Integrity.

"All magic has its price." "There's no free lunch."

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Am I a Gleek?

I hardly ever catch it on TV (what night is it on?), love it when I catch reruns shown as filler for other shows (what channel is Fox on?).

When Glee was near the end of it's second season, my college buddy Guy Klose recommended it to me. He said it was really funny.

I caught a few episodes, and was mortified by the "loser" logo, and by Sue Sylvester's (Jane Lynch) treatment of the students. "This is funny?" I wondered. Guy must be half-baked.

But I trust Guy. I've known him a long time, and we like a lot of the same things. If he likes it, I must be missing something. So I took the time* to dig around a little more, and found old episodes of Glee on the web. I watched, but my thoughts hadn't changed.

And then I saw "Preggers." This is when the only male gay student (Kurt) joins the football team with his half-brother (Finn), and the team breaks out mid-game when they are losing to perform "Single Ladies," complete with Beyonce choreography.

I laughed so hard I almost cried. Guy, you were right.*

Recently they ran 2 hours of season two Glee episodes as filler before Simon Cowell's new show started. I caught the end of Glee's Rocky Horror Picture Show and Silly Love Songs. Both of these were aired before Guy told me about the show. And I to see the whole Rocky Horror episode. I watched the movie many, many times during college. Midnight showings, Race & 6th, Cincinnati.

Let's do the time warp again!

Am I a Gleek? Are you?

* That is the Power of Influence.

Monday, October 31, 2011


LOL, we are watching Jeopardy! and the questions were on sea animals and shells (how Providential!).

Sure enough...our ice cream cones were included..."They are named after this carpenter's tool they resemble"

None of the contestants got it..."The answer is: What is an Auger?" Thanks Alex!

Therefore...we found over 300 auger shells...

And the squiggly appears to be a Worm Shell, only ours is calcified.

Now if someone finds the sand dollar in the photo...

It's the Great Google, Charlie Brown!

Have you seen Google today? They are doing their twist on the Great Pumpkin(s)...and these pumpkins are HUGE - larger than the hay bales they are resting on.

Fun stop action photography vid on pumpkin carving. Surprise ending!

It's a must see. Go!

Now engineers and creative people...tell me how this is done....please! It cracks me up!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Great Finds at the Beach Tonight!

Tonight was awesome on the beach! We found over 20 perfect scallops, over 300 "ice cream cones" including rare colors of all black and all white, oyster shells (a first); a lobster tail (another first, and it still had meat on it!); crab heads and claws, one large fully intact crab; muscles of all sizes; some wild stuff we don't even know what it is, barnacles growing barnacles (a first); and best of all a 6-7/8" purple starfish (a definite first)!

Can you find the sand dollar?

The wild squigly stuff is in the upper left corner, by the oyster, crab and muscle shells. Gray and twisted. My son says it looks like hardened intestines, it is so twisted!

Ice Cream Cones are our favorites. We usually find a few, never the motherlode we found today. I called it a "cone convention that got busted." The question would be...what were they busted for? LOL We usually hunt and hunt and find one or two, but today we would look down and have them all around us.

We had never seen black cones before, then I found a tiny white one. So rare (to us)! Usually cones are brown or mottled brown. I even found one that was a skeleton of the shell. So cool.

If you know what we found, please post!

I went from "never finding a cone" to find easily 100. Unless it is a scallop, I'm the worst at finding shells. I'm always looking at the sunset!

God's creation is awesome. The beauty of creation reflects the infinite beauty of the Creator and ought to inspire the respect and submission of man's intellect and will.

Perfection is in the little things.

Bolsa Chica State Beach, Warner & PCH, Huntington Beach, CA
High tide was about 12:30pm; and this was about 5:30pm - 6:30pm. Very low tide, and a large flat shelf.

Where's Waldo?...find the Sand Dollar!

6-7/8" and still soft (but very dead). Love the purple color!

The bottom of the Star Fish. The blue lines on the bottom right leg are drying cracks that have begun.
The holes in the center are fascinating!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

How I Love The Patriot!

We are watching The Patriot (2000) with Mel Gibson, a very young Heath Ledger, an even younger Gregory Smith, Chris Cooper, Tchéky Karyo and a diabolical Jason Issacs, and Kristian Truelsen.

I love how it begins with delightful scenes of Colonial life in South Carolina, A Christian family, homeschooling (children teaching children), a story of family, honor, character, perseverance against all odds, and of course, patriotism.

I'm not sure I've seen it since it was in the theatres. I don't know why! It is very bloody, but so is war.

And at times, Gibson looks very Braveheart (1995). And if he was younger, I'm sure the part of Jean Villeneuve, the French man based on Lafayette, played by Tchéky Karyo would have been played by Gérard Depardieu. They look so much alike, I immediately though of Depardieu. But then, he did seem to fill every roll of a French man in American films for a long time.

So who in the world is Kris Truelsen? He played Hardwick (first seen about 58:30 into the DVD), and is the one that gives away the location of Benjamin Martin's (played by Gibson) men in swamp by the mission. He is subsequently burned in church with the others of the community.

And he's the brother of my college friend, Jeffrey Scott Truelsen, of Ithaca, NY/Cornell/Gorges Greyhounds . My first summer of college Jff used to read aloud Kris's letters (they corresponded frequently) and his name is a link to many fond memories.

Always a pleasure to see you Kris. I hope you make royalties on your work. Please put your picture up in! The one on your home page is a fantastic shot!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Another Blow for the Sexual Revolution? (Part 2 of 2)

HPV Cancer Facts & Sources

In the news articles I found (focused on men and throat cancer caused by HPV):
  • “A vaccine against cancer was the dream of our youth,” Dr. William Schaffner, chairman of the department of preventive medicine at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. (1) [And we are still dreaming. The HPV vaccine protects against 1/10 (4 of 40) types of HPV known strains.
  • Have a sore throat that lasts longer than two weeks? See a doctor, Chen cautioned:
    "Just because you're not a smoker or drinker doesn't mean you can't get throat cancer." (2)
  • The study, which appears in this week's New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), shows that men and women who reported having six or more oral-sex partners during their lifetime had a nearly ninefold increased risk of developing cancer of the tonsils or at the base of the tongue. (3)
  • Those infected with HPV were also 32 times more likely to develop this type of oral (oropharyngeal) cancer than those who did not have the virus. (3)
  • The [other] two major risk factors [for oropharyngeal cancer]: smoking (3 times greater) or drinking (2.5 times greater) [than the men who neither smoke nor drink]. (3)
  • The throat cancer concern is largest for men under 50 years of age.(4)
  • Cancer of the mouth and oropharynx were largely diagnosed in older men who smoked.
  • In Sweden by the mid 2000s the figure was 90%.(4)
  • Someone infected with HPV 16 - the strain linked to oral cancer- has a 14 fold increase in risk for getting oropharynx cancer.(4)
  • 'The higher the number of partners that you’ve had, the greater the odds that you’d have an oral infection.(4)
  • The American study of 300 people showed that those with more than six partners were almost nine times at greater risk of contracting the disease while those who had already experienced a previous oral HPV infection were 32 times more likely to develop cancer.(4)
  • Johns Hopkins University has revealed that the HPV virus poses a greater risk in contracting cancer than smoking or alcohol.(5)
  • American study of 300 people also found that that those with more than six partners were almost nine times at greater risk of contracting the disease.(5)
  • Researchers was the main mode of transmission of HPV but could not rule out that it could also be passed through kissing.(5)

From the Center for Disease Control (CDC)
  • Genital human papillomavirus (also called HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI). There are more than 40 HPV types that can infect the genital areas of males and females. These HPV types can also infect the mouth and throat. Most people who become infected with HPV do not even know they have it.
  • Each year, about 12,000 women get cervical cancer in the U.S. Almost all of these cancers are HPV-associated
  • 1,500 women and 5,600 men who get HPV-associated oropharyngeal cancers (cancers of the back of throat including base of tongue and tonsils) [Note: Many of these cancers may also be related to tobacco and alcohol use.]
  • Certain populations are at higher risk for some HPV-related health problems. This includes gay and bisexual men, and people with weak immune systems (including those who have HIV/AIDS).
  • People can also lower their chances of getting HPV by being in a faithful relationship with one partner; limiting their number of sex partners; and choosing a partner who has had no or few prior sex partners. But even people with only one lifetime sex partner can get HPV. And it may not be possible to determine if a partner who has been sexually active in the past is currently infected. That's why the only sure way to prevent HPV is to avoid all sexual activity.

My thoughts:
  • This puts a completely new spin on Bill Clinton and Lewinsky-gate.
  • Virgins are back in style. Will we now have a bride-price again?
  • Even people with one lifetime partner can get HPV. HOW?
  • Avoid all sexual activty? As in complete celibacy? And you can't determine if someone is infected?

Pre-colonial times, here we come.

Be sure to see the previous article. What are your thoughts?


(1) The New York Times (articles covers several items about this topic & the vaccine & insurance coverage)
(2) TIME (Their opening sentance is stunning!)
(3) CBS News
(4) The Daily Mail
(5) The Daily Mail

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Another Blow for the Sexual Revolution? (Part 1 of 2)

I think of the Sexual Revolution as part of the mid-1960's counterculture: free love, feminism, bra burning, Woodstock, etc. Depending on your reference, the revolution may have begun in 1870s (Warning! Veggy Explicit Photo!).

After the 1960's, homosexual relationships bumped and ground their way to the forefront of our culture.

And then came HIV and AIDS. The first case was reported June 5, 1981. I remember reading a fascinating article about it, and who was 'Ground Zero.' I think it was in Parade Magazine, the insert of the Sunday paper (this would have been of The Cincinnati Enquirer). This issue included an article about those innocently infected, through blood transfusions, administering aide, etc.

AIDs as taken many a dear soul, including a friend of mine, and an employer.

The latest event, with perhaps the largest impact, is the discovery of HPV in men. The human papillomavirus  (yes, it is just two words), the cause of more than 70% of the cervical cancer in women, as well as cancer in other areas of the groin. It is something you have probably heard Gardasil vaccines advertised for young women. And now HPV found to be a cause of head and throat cancer in men (tongue, tonsils, throat).

This story broke in the UK in February 2011, with the information of the vaccine for boys. It took until October 2011 for me to hear of it, as the vaccine flag caught my attention tonight on the ABC News.

The $64,000.00 question is: can men then spread the cancer to others through kissing? AIDS requires a transfer of fluids. It appears that HPV does, as well.

Which is downright scary.

The Mr & Mrs are enjoying the fruits of the marriage. The Mrs develops cervical cancer, and passes. Her husband, seemingly free of any cancer, seeks a new wife. He doesn't know it, but he is carrying HPV virus in his throat.

Blessings! He finds a new bride. Can he now pass HPV to her through kissing? Or can it be passed only through the consummation of their marriage? (I'm trying to be sensitive to young readers...)

Now let's take it to the less conservative individuals ( i.e., those that are active outside of marriage). She's HPV positive, doesn't know it. He contracts it, doesn't know it. Can it be passed from kissing from him to others through? Or is it only through more intimate contact? If it can be passed by kissing, can it be passed to others by kissing as well? (He (A) kisses B, who kisses C, who kisses D, etc). Are they all able to be infected? Can it cause throat cancer in women? Or travel to their cervix? (See how this unwinds?!?)

The repercussions of this could be huge! Not only in a massive breakout of cancer in men and women (and cervical cancer is a very quick killer, averaging 6 weeks (like pancreatic cancer) from what I've seen), devastation of families and awareness of sexually transmitted diseases like never before.

Might it also drive us back to the a more puritanical time, before the sexual revolution began...perhaps even to the Colonial Era? Not only is the importance of virginal purity in a young person important (to protect them and their future spouse) but also the purity of the relationship itself. It could also radically change our fashion industry, as the Colonials wore long skirts clothing of full covering. They were circumspect in behavior.

Showing the ankle will be the new rage for "sex sells" in advertising. Imagine that!

What are your thoughts?

Be sure to see the next post  for facts about HPV.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Unrecognized Signs of Gluten Intolerance

My mother's nurse called to say Mom's skin was irritated on her neck, arms and chest, and that she had an extended nose bleed (10 minutes). A several weeks ago she was extremely lethargic, because her sodium levels were too low, and has been an salt tablet ever since.

Nose bleeds, low sodium and dermatitis are all signs of gluten intolerance, according to a medical doctor who specializes in nutrition.

Her attending staff know she is gluten intolerant (so am I, my children, and so was her mother and many of grandma's siblings, her nieces/nephews and great nieces/nephews.) I was told it was genetic, but the doctor corrected me and said it was passed through the mothers. (Well, isn't that genetic?)

With this knowledge, then why is she fed oatmeal, wheat bread, and wheat-based crackers? Why do they bathe her and moisturize her skin with Aveeno (which contains oats) on her? Does the right hand not know what the left is doing?

How does it all work? When someone who is sensitive ingests gluten (the protein in wheat, oat, barley and rye), it affects their intestine. It might affect the upper or the lower intestine, or both. While the body is trying to process gluten, a few signs may be visible. When the body can no longer handle trying to process the gluten a number of signs may show up simultaneously.

In her case, she is unable to absorb much nutrition through her intestines, so her sodium drops. Her system is overwhelmed with gluten, and with it being applied topically, her skin is broken out. Her liquids are restricted to raise her sodium levels, so her mucus membranes have become dry (and we have had a brief Santa Ana wind), and a nose bleed has resulted.

These things are not unique. Every year in Northern Kentucky we could have a number of extended nosebleeds. The air would be dry from the heat, and without knowing about our gluten intolerance, we were ingesting it freely.

Mom was aware she was gluten intolerant a long time ago, but she chose not to make the simple dietary changes. Whenever we were in town, all the food would be gluten free (prepared by yours truly) and she would see wonderful improvements, including her memory (she was having a struggle saying the right word and talking about the past; she chose to be silent to cover her embarrassment).

After a short while of eating correctly her speech would flow and she'd be a chatterbox of historical events! It was amazing to witness. Then we would leave, she would return to eating gluten and the situation would reverse itself.

Frustrating, yes. Yet not as much as her staff bringing this suffering upon her while under their care.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

McDonald's versus Wendy's - Who Has the Better Burger?

Burgers! Sizzling red meat, fresh off the grill. When we were riding motorcyles and reading magazines on the subject, a favorite column was one beret wearing older guy, who would frequently comment on burgers. It became a common conversation..."we've got to try this burger joint!"

Being a Californian, nothing beats In N Out Burger. A great meat mix, freshest preparation, happy staff, always clean locations, and retro 1950's styling (an homage to their founding). Yes, we'll drive to find In N Out, even turn around. Best of all, they offer a "protein style" which perfect for those on low carb or on Gluten Free diets. They wrap the burger and topping lettuce leaves, leaving off the bun. We absolutely love it.

Sorry Five Guys Burgers. Imitation is flattering, yet you don't even come close with your bizillion ways to top your burger. And you cost nearly twice as much for a lot less flavor, a tougher patty, and music so loud you have to yell at your companions to be heard.

Back to McDonald's and Wendy's.*

Both of these restaurants are national, and McDonald's does own more real estate than anyone else. However, you don't have to drive too far to find a Wendy's. Ray Kroc vs Dave Thomas. Ronald McDonald the clown vs a Raggedy Ann version of Wendy. Ray, a visionary and highly organized, even owned a ball team. Big Dave from orphan to mogul. Talk about opportunity and drive.

So who has the better burger? McDonald's features the Angus Burger, and Wendy's has returned the
Hot 'n Juicy Burger campaign, popular 35 years ago. Angus took an advertising beating from Jack in the Box (highlighting ignorance of letters in words) and the Hot 'n Juicy campaign terminology has always been titillating, even 35 years ago.

Both burgers are advertised as freshly made. Hot off the grill. McDonald's has a lot of press about pre-made burgers. I personally don't know, but I can ask my good friend Terrence Hawkins.

McDonald's Angus burger is a thicker patty - 1/3 pounds of "juicy flavorful...100% Angus Beef"
They add a sesame bun - kudos! Ever since Bob's Big Boy platters (California-Style for you Midwest Frisch's fans) I love sesame buns!
The Angus burger is served in an enclosed box. The photos on the box indicate red onions and Swiss cheese. Perhaps those are for the speciality Angus burgers? The standard one is topped with white onions, mayo, mustard, sliced red tomatoes, iceberg lettuce, and American cheese (although Wiki says it should be red onions. They were definitely white, sharp and strong like white onions can be.)

Wendy's Hot 'n Juicy 1/2 pounder is two 1/4 pound patties (there is a 1/4 pounder sandwich available), with a buttered toasted (always a nice flavorful touch!), and 'premium' toppings like crinkle cut pickles, sliced  red onions, mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, sliced red tomatoes, iceberg lettuce, and American cheese.
The onions were red, and gave that sweet gentle flavor of red onions.

The first taste was of the meat itself. Wendy's meat (no toppings) definitely tasted better.

Overall, Wendy's sandwich tasted cleaner. Was it a better combination of toppings? Better meat? Wendy's has always proclaimed a superior meat product, from the (renewed) 'Where's the Beef' campaign to the many links on their website for Better Beef and It's All About the Beef. They also freely proclaim that your order is made fresh when you place it, and you can still modify the toppings if you desire (this was once a advertising campaign and mainstay). The website home page states "fresh never frozen beef," "no warming drawers," and "from the grill, to the bun, to you."

Sorry MickyD...the Angus has impressive size, but it just stand up to the superior flavor of Big Dave's Hot 'n Juicy. Go Wendy's!

And don't forget the Frosty!

*Disclaimer: my first job was at Wendy's Restaurant, at Turfway Road & US 25, Florence, Kentucky.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Aw! I'm Blushing!

My Darling Daughter and I went to the Gem Faire today. She's very creative with her beading (subscribe to her blog at as she is certain to post her creations either featured or on her person), and needed to restock.

It's a small show (the largest of the OC Fair's Cavalcade of Crap, oh, I mean of Products buildings and the breezeway between the two buildings), and she's wisely frugal. She knows who charges the same prices at the show as their stores, and who charges less. ("Smart girl!" says her mother proudly.)

We discovered again (it's been years since we attended) that the best prices were in the back of the house (isn't the fun always there?). At one of our last vendors, a young man had joined his mother to assist with sales.

As he was verifying my ID (CA Driver's License) he commented how much younger I looked. I was stunned - the photo is only 3 years old. The picture on this blog is a year or two more than that. He kept going on about it, and I laughed that it must be the new products I'm using (more on that later). With a joyful step we headed home with our purchases.

What a way to make my day!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Importance of Vetting

Usually when we hear of vetting, it has to do with political candidates or with high level employees.

Yet vetting is important in all kinds of areas. As Brie Vandekamp (of ABC's Desperate Housewives) says, "Perfection is in the small details."

vettingpresent participle of vet (Verb)

  1. Make a careful and critical examination of (something).
  2. Investigate (someone) thoroughly, esp. in order to ensure that they are suitable for a job requiring secrecy, loyalty, or trustworthiness.
While we were in Northern Kentucky last month closing up mom's home, my daughter found some items that belong to a high-school friend of my mother, Colonel Maynard 'Dusty' Rhodes, Ret.

Dusty quit Sarasota High School in his Junior year (perhaps exaggerating that he was older than he was) to join the Army Air Corp, which became the Air Force and retired 30 years later. He was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. He flew in World War II, Korea, and Viet Nam wars.

And he's still alive!

We shipped back a number of boxes of important things, including his cross, one epaulet wing, and photo. I found him (through his campaign contributions!), and had several conversations with him. From his conversation I picked up information about his son, Clifford. Cliff is an attorney in Florida, and oversees his father's care. Cliff and I also had some pleasant chats.

Now you can already see how I've vetted the Colonel. It gets better...

Since I'm causing him to wait for his things (neither of then knew the materials were with my mother!),
I started their family tree in

For the longest time I struggled with the information about Maynard's mother. I was sure from the censi reports that she was much older than she reported to be. But how can you lie about be 18 years younger than you say? Perhaps for a while, but eventually your age will show...especially as a woman and with child bearing.

When his parents married, the census 'overview' stated that his father's "Mother In Law" lived with them. When I looked at the original document, the census-taker had written "Grandmother In Law." YIKES! There's another generation that has been skipped!

And then I found it...when his mother was born, his maternal grandmother died from the birth (and she was only a teen). His mother was raised by her grandmother (his great grandmother) her entire life. When his parents married, her grandmother came along.

WOW. If I had never vetted the details from the original census document, we'd never known that there was a missing member of the family.

Even when I asked Maynard about his mother, he said he knew very little about his parents (and he was one of youngest in the family).

He has, BTW, one of the most interesting trees I've seen. They are Southerners, and had several members in the Civil War. After the war one of his relatives, a war widow-turned-seamstress with young children, lived in all-black neighborhood in Florida.

Now that's community.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

New Guy!

A new guy (Jonathon Sams) was at worship today, and a group of us hung out in a pretty little park afterwards.

The sun was very bright, and these were taken with my phone, which isn't the best camera for these conditions, lol.

Great conversation! Hope to see you more, Jon!